Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Does Red Mean Lead In Your Lipstick?

Recently, lead has been found in lipsticks and other cosmetics. The Environmental Working Group is is a very reputable consumer advocacy group. They hold no bars. No matter how big, powerful or even a respected natural company, EWG tells it like it is.

In 2007 EWG reported that the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (CSC) tested 33 brands of lipstick from various locations in the Northeast. Two television news programs, KCBS and Pittsburgh’s WPXI, both tested several brands as well.

The results were shocking. They found over two-thirds had lead levels higher than the FDA’s allowable level for lead in candy (.1 parts per million (ppm)! The brands that did contain lead included:

L’Oreal Colour Riche True Red – 0.65 ppm

Cover Girl Incredifull Lipcolor Maximum Red – 0.56 ppm

Dior Addict Positive Red – 0.21 ppm

Burt’s Bee also contained lead, but the founder maintained that the levels should not be of concern.

So how much is too much lead in your lipstick for it to be of concern? For me, any level!

Lipstick is easily absorbed through the lips and can be ingested as we lick our lips, or eat food while wearing lipstick. As lead gets into the blood stream, it is stored in organs, tissues, bones and teeth. If it continues to accumulate in these areas in the body, even in small amounts, it can cause permanent damage to the central nervous system, especially the brain.

The problem stems back to the fact that the FDA does not regulate ingredients in personal care products or cosmetics.
The limits the FDA has set for lead include the maximum allowable dosage levels of (MADL) of .1 ppm in candy, .5 ppm in food and 10 to 20 ppm in FD&C color additives, which according to EWG may be used in color lipsticks. According to FDA guidelines, lead does not have to be listed on the label since it has been added to the color.

For years, we have been warned against lead in paint in old homes and toys purchased from China. Now we need to be careful of cosmetics purchased in stores or online, whether they’re made in the U.S.A., China, or anywhere else in the world.

If you are looking for a red lipstick, that is guranteed not to contain lead, use Cleure Lipstick. Click on the following link to be directed to that page:

You can still be a diva with bright red lipstick (try Cleure Lipstick in Torch), without the dangers caused by lead.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Having a Snack Attack While Dieting?

Americans are obese due to over consumption of junk foods and sugar. Sugar has been called Sweet Poison and the Silent Killer for a good reason. It has many health risks including being linked to coronary heart disease and even cancer.

There are healthy, yummy snacks you can eat to cut the sugar cravings once and for all.

Sweets can be as addicting as any drug. If you are the type that has a sweet tooth, once you take a bite of any rich, sweet desert, it is very difficult to stop.

For example, if you have gotten into the habit of having a bowel of ice cream after dinner, or a muffin with your morning coffee, it becomes downright painful to switch to a bowl of cereal or oatmeal. It's just not the same. Chocolate is another well known comfort food, with many a chocolaholics in the U.S. contributing to the over-weight statistics. Many books have been written about the subject of sugar addiction. This is one reason why the low carbohydrate diet came into being.

Public Enemy #1

Sugar is addicting, causes tooth decay and has a reputation of being the enemy of good health. It's interesting that once you stop eating sugar for a few days, it becomes very easy to not crave it. But once you tell yourself, you deserve a break since you've been so good..., you are doomed back to being a sugar addict.

Snacks that Calm the Savage Craving Beast

There are some very easy ways to stop the habit and get some satisfaction for your sweet tooth.

1. After meals chew gum sweetened with xylitol or allow a xylitol sweetened breath drop to melt in your mouth. Artificial sweeteners are controversial with potential health risks, but xylitol is natural and helps prevent tooth decay, as some recent studies are starting to report. So opt for xylitol sweetened only candy and gum.

2. Munch on a low glycemic sweet fruit after meals or whenever the craving hits you. Low glycemic index foods are less than 55 On this list are the following with their glycemic index:

• Cherries – 22 • Grapefruit – 25 • Dried apricots – 31 • Apples – 38 • Pears – 38 • Plums – 39 • Peaches – 42 • Oranges – 44 • Grapes – 46 • Kiwi fruit – 53 • Bananas - 54

3. Popcorn mixed with a handful of your favorite nuts also hits the spot. About 3 cups of popcorn is only 100 calories.

4. Veggies dipped with hummus. Hummus is great because it's low carb and low in fat and good for you since it is made with garbanzo beans.

5. Low fat cheese sticks or soy cheese slices are another trick to curb the cookie monster.

Next time you want to dish out the dollars for a sugar filled snack, force yourself to partake of one of the choices above. You'll thank yourself later.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Secret Gateway to Health - Your Mouth!

The mouth is one organ that makes an impact on every other organ in the body. No health guru talks about the importance of the mouth on this level, but it's true. If you neglect it, it will affect your general health one way or another.

One of my patients, Joan, was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). She suffered excruciating stomach pains that sent her to the emergency room. What Joan and her doctor didn't realize was that her IBS symptoms were triggered by problems stemming from her mouth because most of Joan's back teeth were missing. Because Joan was unable to chew her food properly; this did not cause, but exacerbated her IBS troubles.

Another patient, Mike, suffered from a loss of his sense of balance for years. He also had tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Doctors were unable to find the cause of his problems. Had Mike seen a dentist, he would have learned that his symptoms were typical of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD); a disorder that could have readily been cleared.

Randy came to see me for a routine dental visit. He had been on and off painkillers for months trying to deal with chronic sinus headaches. His physician found no sinus infection present. Yet the pain persisted. If Randy's doctor had sent him to a dentist, the source of the pain could have been located: a tooth needed to be pulled, which was an upper back tooth (molar) positioned very close to the sinus area. The dentist might have saved Randy's tooth along with his pain, but he had waited too long to seek proper treatment.

John was in his early 50s and was recently diagnosed with arteriosclerosis (hardened arteries). Lucky for him, his cardiologist sent him to the dentist for a check-up. The cardiologist knew the relationship between heart disease and gum disease (periodontal disease). When I examined him, sure enough, John had advanced gum disease. He was a heart attack waiting to happen.
Now that he knows the connection and is staying on top of his mouth health, John's heart attack risk has been minimized.

Bird's Eye View into Your Body
None of the people in the cases described above considered the fact their mouths could be the cause of their maladies. What would you think if I told you every single person has the ability to look inside his or her body and get a bird's eye view towards what state of health he or she is in?
You see, your mouth is really a microcosm of your whole body. It's like getting a glimpse of the total picture of health or illness.

Risk of heart disease, stroke, lack of energy, even problem pregnancies are now all linked to oral health. Taking responsibility for your health is more crucial than ever. Start by taking better care of your mouth, which is the entrance to your body, and the secret gateway to health.
As far as I'm concerned, it is also the most important thing you need to know for a long healthy life

Monday, September 22, 2008

Is Your Skin Aging You Beyond Your Years?

No matter what age you are, the health of your skin can age you. It can make you appear younger or older than you really are. Today, men and women are experimenting with various ways to look younger.

There are two ways to determine the age of a person. We all have a chronological age and a biological age. The chronological age is how many years old you are. The biological age is how healthy or unhealthy you are.

You may have been born thirty five years ago, but due to not taking care of your health, biologically you may be fifty five and look it.

Many women go under the knife or get Botox injections to help appear younger and fight the natural aging process. To tell the truth, I haven't seen one person that looked fabulous and appeared natural with plastic surgery or Botox.

Most that have had plastic surgery or had Botox injections either appear like they have, or think they just need one more of either form of treatment to look better.

I have seen even wives of plastic surgeons who look totally 'different', yet not younger looking after surgery or Botox injections. I wonder if anyone dares tell them how they really look. Many women continue to re-inject Botox although their lips and face look puffy.

Another important fact to consider is that we have no idea at this point, what the health consequences are of the multiple Botox type of injections over many years. So why do so many women spend millions of dollars on plastic surgery or Botox injections?

Obviously the many skin care products in infomercials that promise the fountain of youth from their actress or model peddlers must not be providing the needed results.

The enemies to healthy skin are the following:
-Excessive alcohol dries the skin, takes over your mind and body.
-Tobacco fills your lungs with smoke from cigarettes or 2nd hand smoke, is obviously the opposite of breathing fresh air that bathes the tissues with needed clean oxygen.
-Sun exposure without adequate protection also dries and robs the skin of collagen and elasticity. We do need the sun for Vitamin D, but to prevent over exposure damage, early morning for about ten or fifteen minutes is all you need.
-Stress is a quick route to aging. Balance between fun and work is important to a younger biological you.
-Poor diet and nutrition high in sugar and junk food is certainly not healthy for skin.
-Harsh, toxic ingredients in skin care products and cosmetics can also contribute to robbing the skin of elasticity and aging you.

In summary, use common sense and moderation in food and drink with the focus being on fruits and vegetables.

With skin care products, become educated and choose products with natural and safe ingredients such as Shea butter and antioxidants free of toxic ingredients. For an effective and safe, complete skin care line, check out www.cleure.com.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Banish Dark Circles!

The areas around the eyes are the most delicate tissues on our face. Most often, the first wrinkles appear around the eyes. Our eyes and the surrounding area can tell volumes about us.

As we age, the skin around the eyes may become drier and more vulnerable to damage. One visible sign that is most dreaded by most women are dark circles that appear.

There are many causes for those dark circles. Age and lack of sleep are just two. Other factors are heredity, medication, poor eating habits, and bone structure.

In order to prevent aging, applying a high quality eye gel or cream should be part of your necessary daily routine. There are more than 150 different products on the market to help improve dark circles under the eyes. To find out which works best, would be an expensive ordeal.

It makes sense to use products that contain collagen and elastin. The reason is that these ingredients are what keep our skin youthful and are needed for healthy skin. As we age, we produce less collagen and elastin.

Stay away from products that contain the word 'salicylate' in any form. These are a group of anti-inflammatory ingredients that may cause allergies and other side effects. Many skin care products, even the high end expensive ones, contain salicylates.

It's important not to overuse the cream or gel you purchase. Some people think if a small amount helps, if I use it all day and apply it several times, it will be even better. Most products come with instructions. It is wise to follow these instructions, instead of applying too much.

The area around the eyes is very sensitive. Make sure you apply any eye creams or gels gently to thes skin, using a patting motion, rather than rubbing it in, which will pull the skin.

The eye gels or creams will help prevent damage and early aging. In the meantime, a pure loose mineral concealer or foundation is great for hiding dark circles. Loose minerals are actually good for the skin.

Some loose minerals contain bismuth oxychloride which may clog pores and cause allergies and redness. Use loose minerals free of this ingredient.

If you are used to a liquid or cream-based concealer and foundation, you may be hesitant in trying loose minerals. With a little practice, you can learn to use the loose powder form and once you do, you may, never go back to the liquid or cream-based form. Many women find the loose minerals feel lighter and look more natural.

Make sure you use a moisturizer before applying the loose mineral makeup. Allow the moisturizer to soak into your skin before applying mineral-based concealer. As with the eye cream or gel, with loose minerals, less is better than more. Applying it lightly will cover dark circles and look natural.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Health Risks of Aluminum in Personal Care Products

For years we have been warned about the risk of aluminum in deodorants. A recent study reported by WebMD Health News indicates there may even be a link of aluminum in deodorant and other personal care products to breast cancer.

Dr. Philippa Darbre of the University of Reading in England has found evidence that aluminum-based active ingredients in deodorants can mimic estrogen in the body.

She goes on to state, "If the aluminum salts in antiperspirants enter the body and mimic estrogen, it stands to reason that constant exposure over many years may pose a risk."

Most commercial antiperspirants contain aluminum. For years the discussions about risk of aluminum centered around Alzheimer's. This degenerative form of dementia mostly affects persons over 65 years of age.

Some studies have found there are higher than normal concentrations of aluminum in the Alzheimer's brain cells. Other studies have either not been able to conclude this or are still questioning the results. However, it is known that large amounts of aluminum can contribute to nerve toxicity and therefore possibly Alzheimer's disease.

The question becomes, can small amounts over time cause harm or is the danger only with one large exposure?
It is easy to see how we can accumulate aluminum in our bodies, since deodorant isn't the only product that contains it. It is also found in many other sources including antacids, aluminum tubes used with some brands of toothpaste, baking powder, nondairy creamers, table salt, drinking water, and processed cheese. Aluminum cookware, of course, is also a consideration.

It makes sense that small exposures on a daily basis could result in accumulation in tissues over many years, just as Dr. Darbre reports.

Our bodies do not require aluminum. We also know what we rub on our skin, we do absorb into the body and bloodstream.

Although there are no studies to this date that conclusively point to aluminum as a major cause for breast cancer and Alzheimer's, the results are not all in yet.

If you are not a gambling person, you may want to choose your personal care products very carefully to avoid aluminum. Remember, cigarettes used to not be considered unhealthy. Today, we know better.

For a full range of personal care products that do not include aluminum, eithe in ingredients or in packaging, visit www.cleure.com.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Nature's Beauty Secret: Shea Butter!

No one knows skincare better than Mother Nature. In today's world our skin is constantly being bombarded with pollutants, and to slow or reverse the damage we often turn to products that contain a myriad of chemicals, when in truth, the answer to achieving great skin may rest with the natural ingredients of the earth.

To successfully fight the damage that day-to-day living brings to your skin, it is necessary to use products that contain antioxidants. The reason that antioxidants are so important to skincare is that they help combat the free radicals that damage cells.

There are many sources of free radicals in the environment, including pesticides, air pollution and cigarette smoke. All these sources of free radicals can help accelerate the signs of aging; to fight this you need products that contain antioxidants.

Antioxidants are essential because they help to fight cell damage by neutralizing free radicals and preventing them from oxidizing and damaging cells. To minimize the damage caused by free radicals, you must take advantage of the antioxidants that Mother Nature has provided.

Shea Butter provides protection against free radicals in the form of Vitamin A, E, and F. Large amounts of these vitamins make this ingredient one of the best choices you can make for skin care.

The butter is extracted from the nuts of the Shea-Karite tree, found only in Africa. The fatty acids in this extract, is the ingredient that is responsible for its immense healing properties. The fatty acids work wonders in also helping skin retain moisture and elasticity.

The Vitamin E in the butter helps to accelerate blood to the cells, and Vitamin F brings more elasticity to the skin, producing a healthy, silky feel.

Another advantage that Shea Butter offers is that it has the ability to deeply penetrate the skin, providing your skin with maximum moisture and protection that lasts throughout the day. In addition, it allows you to do this without the chemicals found in so many of the products that are on the market today.

With regular use, it can help with several different skin conditions including, wrinkles, blemishes, dry skin, sunburn, and Eczema. just to name a few. It is truly Mother Nature's wonder product.
If you care about your skin and want to fight the signs of aging, do it naturally as Mother Nature intended, with skin care products containing Shea Butter.

To find an entire skin care line that contains Shea Butter, go to www.cleure.com, and see the Hydrovive collection.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stress Management - 10 Steps to Cope

If you've been told you're a workaholic, it's wise to take note. You don't have to have a 8 to 5 job to be a workaholic. When the scale is tipped towards constant work of any kind instead of balance between work and play, you probably know it, but may not be listening to the signs and symptoms along the road.

By ignoring the signals, stress can cause major health break down.
Your body may tell you it is under too much stress through insomnia, desire for binge eating, fatigue, and foggy thinking with trouble remembering and focusing. I add binge eating, because many head straight to comfort food when stress compounds.

As stress continues to burden the body, the immune system will be affected and system breakdown is inevitable. Below are some suggestions to rise victorious over stress and fatigue once your body starts to wave a red flag:

1) Take inventory of your life to determine if there is anything you're deeply unhappy about, including work, relationships, weight, etc. If any area in your life is shouting for attention, then address it. Either seek help from a professional or friend or go on a retreat and regroup your priorities.

2) Are you eating too many sweets? Sugar is addicting and well known to cause ill health. Either decrease your sugar intake or totally eliminate it from your diet. Poor nutrition will affect your mood, specially too much sugar.

3) Exercise daily, even if it is for 15 to 20 minutes per day. Exercise does not have to be aerobics or heavy. Gardening, walking, or dancing around the house to your favorite music will do you a world of good to improve circulation and fatigue.

4) Regular massage relieves any toxins and tension that may have built up in your muscles from stress. Take your own bottle of emu oil with you and ask to have it rubbed into sore muscles. Your skin will feel silky smooth and you'll get temporary relief from painful muscles as well.

5) Make sure the emu oil you buy has the seal of the American Emu Association on it, or it may be contaminated. You can find the highest quality Emu oil at http://www.cleure.com/.

6) It is always a good idea to retreat to a beautiful and tranquil setting either for a day or a weekend to re-energize. When you get back you will see things with a clearer mind.

7) Be productive and content on focusing only on today. The load of yesterday's problems plus worries of tomorrow can be too heavy to carry. The heavy load weighs on you and fatigue sets in. The overload makes you want to sleep, but the worrisome thoughts create insomnia.

8) Take the day off and visit a homeless shelter to volunteer and give to others. Your spirit will be uplifted with gratitude and thankfulness.

9) Take a day just to daydream. Your mind can manifest whatever you focus on and believe in. If you constantly focus on worries and problems, you magnify and attract those things into your life. Instead magnify the good things you would like to see in your life. You should exercise this for at least a few minutes daily.

10) Be grateful for what you have. Make a list of the good things in your life and think about them daily. Stay away from multi-tasking. Studies have proven we get more done when focusing on one thing at a time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

More Warnings About Cosmetics

Stores stock thousands of brands of cosmetics to help us look like the latest Hollywood actress.

We buy the ads and the products lock, stock and barrel to the tune of $200 billion in retail sales in the year 2000. According to TNS Media Intelligence, ad sales in 2006 for the cosmetic industry lead any other industry with a staggering 2.2 billion dollars.

These cosmetics in pretty containers that we dish out lots of money for, are more based on psychological factors rather than the price. The higher end cosmetics offered in stores base their price on hand holding, and the brand they have built with their packaging and advertising campaigns. These companies claim they spend millions on research and use more expensive ingredients.

Truth be told, the FDA does not assess the safety of cosmetics and the industry are left to police themselves. The basic ingredients used are mostly the same whether it's purchased at a high end counter in a fancy package, or for a tenth of the cost at a low end store.

As consumers what you need to know is that there are ingredients in high end or inexpensive cosmetics that could cause health concerns. For example, the following is a small list of ingredients that could cause allergies and possibly lead to chronic illness, yet found in many cosmetics. Others are know toxins:

Pthalates - Known toxin. Found in many nail polish, including expensive brandsAlcohol - Dries the skin

Salicylatic acid - Claimed for many uses, can cause allergies

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - This is an industrial detergent and can cause allergies

Herbal extracts, Essential oils - These may cause drug interactions if you're on a particular medication

Tea Tree Oil - This is a plant with anti-fungal properties that has become popular and added to many products. It's better suited for athlete's foot than cosmetics and skin care.

As wise consumers, we must become educated before buying cosmetics and skin care with our hard earned money.

As you can see, consumers must beware and become educated before going for the pretty package. There are two good websites that shed lite on this subject: Environmental Working Group (http://www.ewg.org) and Cleure (http://www.cleure.com).

Friday, August 29, 2008

Safe, Clean, and Pure Cosmetics and Personal Care

The natural product industry is indeed big business. In 2006 the natural product industry rose to over $56 billion dollars! This multi-billion dollar industry, wants you to go "natural" with all of your personal care and cosmetic products.

Consumers need to be aware that just because the label reads "natural", doesn't mean it really is.
There are no FDA (Food and Drug Administration) labeling guidelines or restrictions for adding the word natural to a product. Nor are any ingredients tested for safety by the FDA before manufacturers add them to the personal care and cosmetic products you buy.

In fact, real natural products would have to be kept in the refrigerator or it would become rancid!

The truth is that most "natural" ingredients such as herbs must be soaked in preservatives before adding them to a product. Since the preservative is not a separate ingredient, it does not need to be listed on the label. Therefore, you the unsuspecting consumer, think you are getting something natural, when you're not at all.

Before falling for the deceptive marketing of the word "natural" on a package, think about it. If the shelf life is over a week, it ain't natural! Actually, most products, natural or not, are made to last about two years on the store shelf.

A better option are products that contain "safe", tested for safety and truthfully labeled chemicals. Just like all natural ingredients are not natural and good, not all chemicals are bad.
The consumer advocacy organization Environmental Working Group lists which ingredients are toxic and must be avoided and even grades personal care and cosmetic companies for safety.

Check your favorite product out at their website www.cosmeticdatabase.org.

As consumers we need to be wise before spending our hard earned money on products that claim to be "natural" but really are not.